Ensuring Safety in HPLC Laboratories: Protocols and Best Practices

HPLC Laboratories

Researchers conducting experiments and assays such as HPLC testing services or MSD assays should secure safety and accuracy in their laboratories. These safety precautions also apply to HPLC labs. One such approach for ensuring safety in HPLC laboratories is adhering to good laboratory practices. 

Good laboratory practices confirm that laboratories adhere to protocols and best practices to ensure safety and efficacy during biomedical and pharmaceutical testing. Although good laboratory practices were not specifically defined for HPLC laboratories, they still hold a significant place in HPLC testing because they are developed to ensure that:

  • All staff are trained adequately
  • Experiments follow standard operating procedures
  • All systems are installed and used for suitable applications 
  • All documentation and records are verified and authenticated and are available during experiments 
  • An independent unit is present to ensure all regulations and SOPs are perfectly laid out and followed during HPLC testing.

Protocols and best practices for ensuring safety in HPLC labs 

  • Ensure that safety standards are regularly updated 
  • Include a written safety, health, and environmental policy statement 
  • Organize a departmental health, safety, and environmental affairs committee consisting of employees, faculty, management, and staff that meet periodically to discuss these issues 
  • Encourage staff and employees to take care of their safety and health and also that of others 
  • Maintain all equipment in excellent condition 
  • Always avoid the evaporation of a solvent at its source 
  • Close all waste containers and mobile phase bottles tightly and use appropriate exhaust filters and valves 
  • Try to involve each individual in the laboratory by giving them some responsibility for duty in the safety program 
  • Make sure that employees and students read appropriate safety manuals and laboratory safety rules 
  • Store minimum quantities of flammable substances in the laboratory 
  • Do not store drinks or food in chemical refrigerators 
  • Design plans and conduct regular drills for emergencies such as explosions, poisoning, fires, electric shocks, etc 
  • Maintain housekeeping protocols in all work areas 
  • Display the numbers of the police department, local ambulance, and fire department either on the phone or immediately beside the phone.
  • Store bases and acids separately 
  • Avoid unnecessary chemical purchasing by maintaining a chemical inventory
  • Store oxidizers and fuels separately 
  • Based on the safety data sheet for chemicals, use warning posts to mention particular hazards.
  • Have a habit of conducting periodic and unannounced inspections to identify and rectify unsafe practices.
  • Conduct departmental safety gatherings for employees and staff to discuss different aspects of HPLC laboratory safety.
  • Unless an experiment is fail-safe, do not allow it to run unattended 
  • Do not work alone in any laboratory or without prior knowledge of a laboratory staff member 
  • Develop practices for specific experiments, especially those that involve hazardous substances or should be conducted in a ventilated hood 
  • Have a dedicated portion of the budget allocated to safety 
  • Implement compulsory use of eye protection for areas in a laboratory where chemicals are transported routinely 
  • Have dedicated fire extinguishers, eye wash fountains, safety showers, fire blankets, and first aid kits in all HPLC laboratories 
  • Have fireproof storage cabinets for flammable substances 
  • Have a centrally located safety library 
  • All plugs for electrical equipment should be grounded 
  • Wherever appropriate, install ground fault interrupters 

Must Read: Advantages of PK LC-MS in Drug Development and Evaluation

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